With Antares , it IS possible for you to take that serious bird watching tour.

Birdwatching with pros

Our guides are trained to recognize hundreds of species of birds by sight and sound. Specialist birds around the Antares Amazon Lodge

Located by the área of Pampa Caño community and Nauta District. Our Lodge is in the interior of the Pampa Caño creek bordering white wáter flooded forests (Varzea) and terra firme forest.

The Pampa Caño creek is located on the Western margin of the Amazon River just below its confluence with the Tigre River. Around the lodge, it is possible to rack up 150 birds in a weeks’ time without moving off the lodge property (even more during austral/ boreal migrations) .Our facility is in such an area of distinct converging ecosystems that the diversity is staggering. With enough time and patience, over 300 birds can be spotted within short travelling distance from the lodge.

Known as a Pleistocene refuge, this area has benefited from climatic stability for millions of years. Meanwhile other areas of the Amazon were converting to open savannas or dry forest types. The local avifauna touts this fact with the presence of several specialist birds such as

black headed antbird,
zimmers woodcreeper,
point tailed palm creeper,
helmeted pygmy tyrant,
orange eyed flycatcher,
ocre striped antpitta,
spotted antpitta.

We have many birds that are considered “Lifers” That are right around the lodge like the Undulated Tinamou , White throated toucan, Chestnut eared aracari, Red bellied macaws , Orange winged Parrots , Blue headed Parrot, Sunbittern , Sungrebe , Wire tailed Manakin, Varzea schiffornis , Orange eyed flycatcher, Green back trogon, Collared trogon, White eared Jacamar, Spotted Puffbird, White necked Puffbird, Black Fronted Nunbird ,Russet back oropendola, Yellow rumped cacique. Red throated Caracara,Black Caracara Two species of screech owl, Black Banded Owl, Ferruginous pygmy owl.

Trips can be from 4-10 days

Special Discounts available for groups and universities – contact us for more information

All Packages Include


Flight Tickets - Hotel in Iquitos Sodas, Alcoholic beverages (paid in cash) Any other purchases What to bring

Contact Us

Ir Arriba
Cal. Central #4 Loreto - Maynas - Punchana - Iquitos - Perú

Call Now
+51 910 863988 / 930 519420

+51 910 863988

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